Health Services Department

(School Nurse)

School Nurse Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Maintain health records of all students – this includes:

    • Immunizations – maintain and document student vaccination history and compliance to reflect state requirements

    • Health Screenings –  Vision, Hearing, and Scoliosis screenings which are mandated by the state of Texas

    • Health History – this includes medical conditions diagnosed by a physician or primary caregiver, surgical procedures, current medications (given at home as well as school), allergies (seasonal, drug, food, and especially, life-threatening), as well as any other pertinent health information about your child that will allow us to provide appropriate and specific care of our students.

  • Assess and treat illness or injury – From minor issues like scraped knees, tummy aches, headaches, sore throats, etc, to major ones, like severe allergic reactions, a broken bone, or possible concussion – we will respond and implement accordingly.

  • Monitor & treat chronic health conditions –asthma, diabetes, seizure disorders, severe allergies, etc. (requires information and order from the primary care provider and will be monitored and treated as per directed by physician and/or primary care provider.)

  • Administer medication- See our Medication Administration Policy below

  • Hearing and vision screenings – Students' hearing and vision are screened routinely. However, screenings can be performed at any time for any student if a parent or teacher expresses concern.

Current News: MEASLES

Measles is a hot topic in the health industry this spring.  Currently, there are no known cases close to our counties.  I have spoken to a couple doctors and nurse practitioners in our area who have said they have not had any confirmed cases in their clinics, but have seen some rashes with no known causes that have the measles appearance but without the fever, runny nose, and cough.

This link will give you information on symptoms, when to seek emergency care, how long a person is contagious, how the virus is spread, and prevention information.

This link is information on confirmed cases in Texas by county, by age, and by vaccination status.  It also has information on the one child who died as a result of contracting measles in West Texas.

Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Information

SHAC Meeting

Chasity Butler, RN